American School of Barcelona

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School Services


Hot, healthy lunches are prepared daily in our kitchen by Hostesa in collaboration with Ametller Origen. Students and staff enjoy their meals in our spacious cafeteria, with a beautiful view overlooking part of Barcelona all the way to the Mediterranean sea. 

Sample Menu

children riding the school bus


ASB provides transportation to Barcelona, Gavá, Castelldefels, Sitges, and Sant Cugat. For more information, please contact:

Health Services

ASB has a fully equipped health office staffed by a full-time health specialist. Sick or injured students can be treated any time, or can rest and wait for pick up. The health specialist is also responsible for supervising the lunch menu from the cafeteria, to ensure that meals are healthy for our students and staff. The health office staff may be contacted at

students modelling school merch

School Merchandise

We have created a full range of customized products with our logo and core values to promote our school spirit.

Go Lynx!

ASB Lynx Shop


Learn More

Contact our Admissions office to learn more about our school program and the admissions process.
